November 28, 2016


Hi Friends and Family! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Up next, Christmas! And it's going to be a great Christmas season!

If you haven't taken the invitation to #LIGHTtheWORLD yet, I strongly encourage you to visit to watch the video, and then take the challenge. All people everywhere have the power to light the world. When you get on board, you'll be able to experience even more light and love in your life and the spirit of Christmas will be apparent in your home. 

I read a great couple of verses in Mosiah 23 today that really express how I feel about this work. 
 10 Nevertheless, after much tribulation, the Lord did hear my cries, and did answer my prayers, and has made me an instrument in his hands in bringing so many of you to a knowledge of his truth.
 11 Nevertheless, in this I do not glory, for I am unworthy to glory of myself.
I am just an instrument in his hands. He pounds in the nail, I am the hammer. I also have pounded in the nail, but only because he's chosen me. It truly is a privilege to participate in this great work, and all are invited to do the same. Please, be a missionary in the way He has prepared you to do so! You are needed in this work!

A lot of you have asked about Thanksgiving. It was great! I got to spend it with the families Leiva, Bran, and Rodriguez! I got to know the missionaries in this branch even better. I got to learn how to stuff a chicken. This is a brilliant idea. I will probably have chicken as an option in some of the Thanksgivings I'm in charge of. It was really an awesome day. 

Jesus got sick this week, and I'm worried about him. He didn't feel much like talking yesterday, so we had to go over the baptismal interview questions by watering them down to yes or no, and he just nodded his head. When we got to the last question, whether he's willing to take Christ's name upon him and choose the right for the rest of his life, his little head nodded as fast and hard as it could! I love Jesus! He's going to be a great disciple of Christ. 

Maria scared us by saying that her baptism date is a little premature, and we tried really hard to testify and help her see that it's right. After the lesson, I prayed that she would know that the date we had picked out was right, but then I realized that that might not be His will. Instead I prayed that she would feel right about the right day and so would I. I felt like we should push it back. Preach My Gospel is very clear that if a missionary feels like we should push it back, we do. I'm thankful for the power I have to know the will of God. The Holy Ghost is a very wonderful gift we can have, and I am thankful to have it. Prayer also has become so much more meaningful to me this mission. 

I love you all! Thanks so much for your support and love! #LIGHTtheWORLD